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#ShareMyCheck Donation


 #ShareMyCheck Santa Fe


Thank you so much for sharing your check to help people in our community who do not have access to the federal stimulus. You are invited to share all or a portion of your stimulus funds, and know that our community is grateful for your act of generosity. Below we have included information about how to securely transfer funds, an explanation about Santa Fe Mutual Aid, and some information about how this program works. 




Your donation is being received by the Earth Care, fiscal sponsor of Santa Fe Mutual Aid, which is a registered 501c-3 organization. Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution, to the extent of the law. Earth Care is the fiscal agent of the SF Mutual Aid Network, and is supporting this initiative by offering fiscal sponsorship for this project. Check is preferred method to contribute to the #ShareMyCheck fund so that online fees are not taken out from your contribution. Everyone who contributes to the #ShareMyCheck fund or to the Santa Fe Mutual Aid will receive a thank you and tax donation letter.


#ShareMyCheck By Mail (preferred method)


If you are donating by mail, send a check, payable to Earth Care with the Memo #Sharemycheck:

Earth Care 

6600 Valentine Way, Building A

Santa Fe, NM 87507


#ShareMyCheck Online:







People who have received (or will be receiving) a stimulus check pledge to share all or part of the funds with #ShareMyCheck Santa Fe. These funds are separate from the SF Mutual Aid fund, which is a general fund covering the cost of food, medical, and bill assistance for members in need. The #sharemycheck fund will be distributed to those who won’t be receiving a stimulus check, primarily undocumented people in our community, regardless of specific need.

The collaborating organizations Earth Care/YUCCA/Poder Familiar, DSA-SF, SF Dreamers Project, Communities in Schools, Interfaith Leadership Alliance, Santa Fe Faith Network for Immigrant Justice, and Fathers New Mexico are in constant contact with community members who qualify for assistance through this program. Each organization will ascertain eligibility for people they work with and will refer eligible individuals and families to the fund. A committee of leaders from our organizations, with membership in the impacted community, are reviewing cases and making determinations for eligibility based on needs assessments.


The committee has determined that individuals referred to the program will receive $500 and families will receive up to $1500 depending on size. This may change depending on the amount of funds donated.


We will move forward with this project on a rolling basis, as we receive funds and are able to distribute them to those who qualify. Please help us spread the word by sharing this page with your networks.



The mutual aid network is a community network of friends, families, and neighbors working to support one another and meet each other's basic survival needs during this critical time. It is a system of community to community support and organization based on resource sharing, information dissemination, and resilience-building. The Santa Fe Mutual Aid Network is a grassroots-led effort with organizing and coordination support from Earth Care YUCCA/Poder Familiar, the Democratic Socialists of America - Santa Fe, and Fathers New Mexico. 


We are practicing deep organizing and building neighbor to neighbor relationships. We welcome you to join our community of support. There’s a simple sign up form listed below . This form is for offering support to others, as well as for reaching out for support. Whether you have skills, time, or financial support to offer, or you need a helping hand, the network is available as a nexus for aid. 

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